What is depression?
According to the National Institute for Mental Health, depression is a mood disorder that is also called “clinical depression” or “depressive disorder.” Depression affects all aspects of life for those diagnosed.
Some common symptoms of depression can include:
Continual sadness, anxiety or “empty” feelings
Feelings of:
Loss of interest in activities or hobbies
Difficulty concentrating
Disordered sleeping
Insomnia or oversleeping
Weight or appetite changes
Restlessness or irritability
Suicidal thoughts, ideations or attempts
Pains like headaches, stomachaches, cramps without a physical reason
There are a few types of depression which can show up differently in women, men, children, teens and postpartum women as well.
What causes depression?
There is no one cause of depression, and depression looks very different on everyone. Research points to there being a variety of reasons one could be diagnosed with depression. It could be a mix of environment and genetic factors to loss, stress or even a serious illness.
How is depression treated?
Depression is typically treated by working with a psychologist, psychiatrist or therapist as there is a mix of medication and psychotherapy involved in treatment.
How can medical marijuana help depression?
There is historical evidence that people have been using cannabis to treat depression since as early as the 1600s. Records show Indian doctors prescribing cannabis as well as an English clergy-person on the other side of the world.
Since cannabis works through the endocannabinoid system, it creates a more enduring effect throughout the body. Unlike antidepressants, cannabis has little to no side effects.
Medical marijuana is always strain-dependent, meaning that the specific strain you use to treat your condition matters. Look for the strains that promote energy, relieve anxiety and insomnia and also induce appetite.

If you are a Pennsylvania resident suffering from a medical condition you think may benefit cannabis, you're likely eligible for medical marijuana treatment.
To learn more about the medical marijuana process or schedule an appointment, give us a call today at (855) 607-5458 or book your evaluation online.
As we all know, depression can destroy your office life as well as your personal life. It is the most common illness but curable. It is scientifically proven that medical marijuana can help to alleviate the symptoms of depression. Medical marijuana relaxes your mind and works as an antidepressant. Want a medical marijuana card for your loved one? Please contact My MMJ Doctor.