While medical marijuana has been legal in Pennsylvania since April 2016, many residents may not be aware that they qualify for treatment. Pennsylvania’s medical marijuana program provides access to medical marijuana for patients with a variety of medical conditions.
Who Qualifies?
To qualify for your Pennsylvania Marijuana Card and legally purchase medical marijuana from licensed Pennsylvania dispensaries, you must meet the following qualifications:
Be diagnosed with a qualifying medical condition
Have the official written certification from a certified Pennsylvania physician
Be a Pennsylvania resident with proof of residency (Pennsylvania Driver’s License or Pennsylvania State ID card).
How do I Get my Card?
If you are currently suffering from one of the qualifying conditions, then you are likely eligible for medical marijuana treatment in Pennsylvania.
Before you can enter dispensaries, you will need a Pennsylvania medical marijuana card. The easiest way to obtain a Pennsylvania medical marijuana card is to schedule your evaluation appointment with us today. For your safety and convenience, we offer safe, HIPAA-compliant Telemedicine appointments. You can meet with one of our doctors from home via phone, computer or tablet.
To learn more about the process or schedule an appointment, give us a call today at (855) 607-5458 or book your evaluation online.